Houjun Liu

CMU-15445 SEP042024

Disk based architecture

  • the DBMS primarily stores stuff on non-violatle disk
  • meaning: the DBMS’ job is to move stuff between violatle and non-volatle storage


  • how do you makue sure memory-writtten info is commited to disk?

Hierarchy model

there’s a tradeoff because as your system because faster, you have less of it and (in case its volatle) it stays around less long

Access Order

Key challenge: random-access on non-volatile storage is almost always slower than sequential access

Good DBMS algorithms tries to reduce writes to random pages so stuff is in continuous blocks.


Overall DBMS Goals

  • We should manage databases that’s larger than memory available
  • We should limit reading/writing to disk
  • We should minimize random accesses

Lifetime of a request

  1. execution engine asks for a page, say page 2
  2. memory asks its directory for where page 2 is
  3. memory found it missing, so ask disk for page 2
  4. disk loads page 2 into memory page 2
  5. memory gives execution engine a pointer to memory