Houjun Liu

ASBMB2023 Index

2023 annual meeting of ASBMB.


Molecular Engineering

Christopher Barnes, StanfordSARS-COV2 Structural Analysis10.1126/sciimmunol.ade0958
Emma J. Chory, DukeRobotics-Assisted Directed Evolution10.1038/s41592-021-01348-4
Daniel-Adriano Silva, MonodDe novo biosensors10.1038/s41586-021-03258-z

Structure Determination and Machine Learning

Sonya Hanson, Flatironcyro-EM + ensemble reweighting10.1073/pnas.1419276111
Celia Schiffer, UMass MedDrug Resistance Analysis10.7554/eLife.77433
Arvind Ramanathan, Argonne LabModels of Interaction Analysis?, see GenSLMs
Jason K Perry, GileadStructure of COVID Replication

Protein Structure and Biophysics

Erik YuklZinc ABC Transporters?
Wentao LiCalpains … AFIB

Drug Design w/ AI

Alpha Lee, PostEraML COVID Drug Discovery10.1101/2020.10.29.339317
David Baker, UWDe Novo Protein DesignRFDiffusion, RoseTTAFold2
Relay TherapeuticsActive Learning Molecule Iteration
Rommie E Amary, UCSDImmunogen Design

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