Getting the right contents.
- semantic capacity tested — knowing the propositional content
- operationalization — form => meaning mapping
- measure of success — generalizing to the right meaning representation for novel expressions (this is non-trivial; multiple compatible generalization maybe applicable depending on context)
Given that a model can map certain expressions to their meaning representations, can they also do this for new expressions?
lexical generalization (fill in new words/pairs) isn’t too hard for new NN
but structural generalization (permute syntactical forms) is very hard
subclause decomposition
phrase id
iterative proposional phrase and noun phrase annotation
verb phrase normalization
- “structure” requires some definition by committing to a particular formalism
- PTing makes exposing these stems hard
Entity Tracking
Getting the right entity through a conversation.
“box world”: putting stuff into boxes
- models that did have a lot of code in pretraining generalized better than those that didn’t
- this is even shown in minimal pairs of the same architecture with more code