Houjun Liu

Forward Search


  • \(\mathcal{P}\) problem (states, transitions, etc.)
  • \(d\) depth (how many next states to look into)—more is more accurate but slower
  • \(U\) value function estimate at depth \(d\)

We essentially roll forward into all possible next states up to depth \(d\), and tabulate our value function.

Define subroutine forward_search(depth_remaining, value_function_estimate_at_d, state).

  1. if depth_remaining=0; return (action=None, utility=value_function_estimate_at_d(state))
  2. otherwise,
    1. let best = (action = None, utility = -infinity)
    2. for each possible action at our state
      1. get an action-value for our current state where the utility of each next state is the utility given by forward_search(depth_remaining-1, value_function_estimate_at_d, next_state)
      2. if the action-value is higher than what we have, then we set best=(a, action-value)
    3. return best

What this essentially does is to Dijkstra an optimal path towards the highest final utility \(U(s)\) om your current state, by trying all states.