Houjun Liu

Parvin 2020

# ntj

DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2020.605317


An excercize scheme has had some measured effect on theta/alpha ratio and Brain wave frequency on AD patients; prognosis of AD not controlled for.


  • Leveraged physical training scheme and measured EEG effects by quantifying theta/alpha ratio

Notable Methods

  • Used theta/alpha ratio as assay for improvement, and found the exercise scheme did so p<0.05
  • Only tested patients with AD w/o a control for stage

Key Figs

Figure 1

This figure tells us th N number of participants through the study

Figure 2

This figure shows us that the excercize intervention has statistically significant results to both Brain Oscillation frequency and Theta/Alpha ratio. The x-axis shows us the pre-and-post bars for TG (treatment) and CG (control); the y-axis quantifies the value measured in a box plot. The subplots are brain oscelation and theta/alpha ratio respectively.

New Concepts
