Houjun Liu

Requirements Analysis

Requirements Analysis is how to satisfy your persnickety users while keeping your fucking app simple.


The broad goal of Requirements Analysis is to come up with a spec that is:

  1. Documented
  2. Actionable
  3. Measurable
  4. Testable
  5. Traceable
  6. Defined with details
  7. Satisfies business goals


Requirements Analysis should be performed when

  • Calculating costs
  • Setting priorities
  • Creating breakdowns
  • Including specialists


  1. Gather requirements by doing User Interviews
  2. Analyze the requirements for clarity, completeness, consistency, and lack of conflicts
  3. Write them down and implement them


Gap Analysis

Analyze the difference between where the business is at and its stated goals; figure out how the goals can be closed.

Business Motivation Model (BMM)

Does it matter?


Someone decided to throw XML to running a company. Why.

Customer Journey Modeling

See Customer Journey Map