👋 Howdy, I'm Houjun Liu!

I’m a second year undergraduate student in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University, grateful to be advised by Prof. Mykel Kochenderfer. In the course of my research, I have also had the fortunate opportunity to work with Stanford NLP under Prof. Chris Manning, CMU TalkBank under Prof. Brian MacWhinney, and Prof. Xin Liu at UC Davis Engineering. I am affiliated with the Stanford NLP Group and Stanford Intelligent Systems Lab.

Welcome to my academic homepage! This is my little homestead on the internet about my academic interests. Check out my projects below. If you want to know more about the rest of my life, feel free to visit my website!

Recent goings on
Dec. 02, 24' We are hosting an ICLR workshop on Human-AI Coevolution! See you in Singapore! Sep. 25, 24' Paper (Coref) accepted to CRAC 2024; EMNLP was fun! Aug. 21, 24' Tech report article released on Batchalign2 engineering. Jul. 14, 24' ArXiv preprint released on LM red teaming. May. 18, 24' Journal Article (NACC) published@LWW AD Jun. 22, 23' Paper (Batchalign) Published by JSLHR

Shoot me an email at [firstname] at stanford dot edu, or, if you are around Stanford, grab dinner with me :)


I’m broadly interested in Natural Language Processing and Speech Language Sample Analysis; recently, I’ve been digging into 1) building better tools for language and speech processing to make state-of-the-art classic NLP tasks accessible and useful 2) using and designing improved mechanistic approaches for large language model decoding and understanding and 3) exploring sequential approaches to language modeling to make language models more robust and useful.


Stanford NLP (2024)
MSCAW-coref: Multilingual, Singleton and Conjunction-Aware Word-Level Coreference Resolution
Liu, H., Bauer, J., D'Oosterlinck, K., Potts, C., Manning, C.D.
Talk@CRAC at EMNLPPaper@ACL Anthology
TalkBank (2024)
Morphosyntactic Analysis for CHILDES
Liu, H., MacWhinney, B.
SISL (2024)
ASTPrompter: Weakly Supervised Automated Language Model Red-Teaming to Identify Likely Toxic Prompts
Hardy, A.*, Liu, H.*, Lange, B., Kochenderfer M. J.
UC Davis Health (2024)
A Transformer Approach to Congnitive Impairment Classification and Prediction
Liu, H., Weakley, A.M., Zhang, J., Liu, X.
Preprint (2024)
Plan of Thoughts: Heuristic-Guided Problem Solving with Large Language Models
Liu, H.
TalkBank (2023)
Automation of Language Sample Analysis
Liu, H., MacWhinney, B., Fromm, D., Lanzi, A.
TalkBank (2023)
DementiaBank: Theoretical Rationale, Protocol, and Illustrative Analyses
Lanzi, A., Saylor, A.K., Fromm, D., Liu, H., MacWhinney, B., Cohen, M.L.
Nueva (2022)
ConDef: Automated Context-Aware Lexicography Using Large Online Encyclopedias
Liu, H., Sayyah, Z.
Preprint (2021)
Towards Automated Psychotherapy via Language Modeling
Liu, H.


  • Fall quarter, 2024 - TA, CS238, Stanford
  • All year, 2024 - TA, ACM Chapter, Stanford
  • Summer quarter, 2024 - Head TA, AIFS AIBridge, UC Davis

Course Notes

Some folks have mentioned that my course notes through classes at Stanford and before have been helpful. Feel free to browse my Stanford UG Courses Index if you want to check it out!

© 2019-2024 Houjun Liu. Licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This website layout is inspired by the lovely homepage of Karel D’Oosterlick.